Friday, September 13, 2024

Gregoria Tumbang, Sang Putri...

JAKARTA RAYA | Gregoria Mariska Tunjung, yang meraih medali perunggu di Olimpiade Paris,...

Pemerintah Provinsi Jakarta Meminta...

Kamis, 12 September 2024 - 22:55 WIB Jakarta, VIVA - Jalur Transjakarta atau busway...

Posko Pemenangan di Ujung...

Koalisi Bermarwah terus memperkuat barisan menjelang penentuan pasangan calon Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur...

Jokowi: Prabowo Subianto Berkomitmen...

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated that president-elect Prabowo Subianto is committed to...
HomeprabowoTantangan Strategis Global:...

Tantangan Strategis Global: Ancaman Pandemi Baru

By: Prabowo Subianto [excerpted from “Strategic Transformation of the Nation: Towards Golden Indonesia 2045”, page 48, 4th softcover edition]

In addition to causing droughts and extreme rainfall, climate change is also melting the Earth’s ice layers that have been frozen for thousands, even tens of thousands of years.

As a result, many experts suggest that the rising global temperatures could also reactivate ancient viruses, potentially unleashing new pandemics affecting humans, animals, or plants.

As a nation that has just recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, the difficulties of those times are still fresh in our minds. Indonesia must invest heavily in healthcare infrastructure to be prepared for the next pandemic.

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