Thursday, February 6, 2025

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HomeprabowoPrabowo Subianto Menyentuh...

Prabowo Subianto Menyentuh Hati Jokowi Selama Sidang Pleno Terakhir di IKN, Luhut Mengungkapkan

IKN — Indonesian Defense Minister and President-elect Prabowo Subianto moved President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to tears during the final plenary cabinet meeting held at Istana Garuda, Ibu Kota Nusantara, East Kalimantan, on Friday, September 13. This touching moment was shared by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

“Earlier, President Jokowi gave his final messages and directions during the last plenary cabinet meeting,” Luhut said.

Luhut recounted the moment when Prabowo expressed deep gratitude to Jokowi for his leadership over the past 10 years as Indonesia’s 7th president. The emotional moment occurred as Prabowo conveyed his appreciation to Jokowi, marking the transition of leadership.

“We all applauded, and President Jokowi became very emotional, as Prabowo delivered heartfelt thanks to him and the ministers who have supported him during his time in office,” Luhut continued.

Prabowo also emphasized his commitment to continuing the work that Jokowi has started, including the development of Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), as well as the construction of the DPR/MPR buildings and facilities for TNI/Polri personnel.

“If President-elect Prabowo moves forward, he has committed to continue building the DPR/MPR building, the Supreme Court, and the TNI/Polri headquarters. Civil servants will also move to the new capital, and the transition will be smooth,” Luhut explained.

In the context of the government transition, Prabowo made it clear that no one should attempt to create a rift between him and Jokowi. He emphasized the importance of unity and progress for the country.

“He doesn’t want anyone to drive a wedge between him and President Jokowi. This country is advancing, everyone is united, and there’s no need for division. I think that’s absolutely right,” Luhut concluded. (RR)

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