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Kepemimpinan Militer: Jenderal Besar TNI Sudirman

General Sudirman, the first Commander of the TNI, has left a lasting legacy for the future generations of TNI soldiers. His exemplary decisions and actions have established a tradition of heroism and selflessness within the TNI.

Born in Purbalingga on January 24, 1916, Sudirman was initially an elementary school teacher in Solo before becoming a key figure in Indonesia’s Independence movement. He played a crucial role in organizing the Pembela Tanah Air (PETA) in Java, which eventually led to the formation of the Indonesian Armed Forces.

During the fight for independence, Sudirman demonstrated exceptional leadership by leading his battalion in seizing Magelang and pushing British forces out of central Java. His relentless pursuit of the enemy and his willingness to sacrifice for the nation’s glory earned him the respect of his fellow soldiers and the admiration of the Indonesian people.

In 1945, Sudirman was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of The People’s Security Army (TKR) after a protest by battalion commanders against the initial appointment of another officer. Despite his poor health and the Dutch’s surprise attack on Yogyakarta in 1948, Sudirman chose to lead a guerrilla war against the invaders while President Sukarno and his cabinet decided not to resist.

Sudirman’s actions during this critical period showcased his strong personality, courage, and unwavering commitment to the Indonesian nation. His leadership in the face of adversity inspired his subordinates and boosted the morale of the entire nation.

General Sudirman’s legacy endures in the TNI, serving as a reminder of the importance of sacrificing everything for the honor and glory of the nation. His heroic deeds have solidified the TNI’s reputation as a force dedicated to upholding the nation’s interests above all else.

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