Saturday, September 21, 2024

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HomeprabowoPrabowo Subianto Bertemu...

Prabowo Subianto Bertemu dengan Presiden Marcos Jr. di Filipina, Menekankan Komitmen untuk Memperkuat Persahabatan Asia

Manila — President-elect of Indonesia and current Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, paid a working visit to the Philippines, meeting with President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. at the Malacanang Palace, Manila, on Friday (20/9).

During the meeting, Prabowo highlighted the longstanding relationship between the Philippines and Indonesia, stressing the importance of continued mutual support and cooperation between the two nations.

“This visit is part of the tradition in Asia, where before taking office as Indonesia’s president, I make visits to neighboring countries to reaffirm our commitment to maintaining good relations,” Prabowo said.

“I would like to thank Your Excellency for receiving me today. I am here to show my respect as in one month, on October 20, InsyaAllah, I will be inaugurated as the President of the Republic of Indonesia,” Prabowo continued.

Prabowo further noted that Indonesia and the Philippines are strategic partners, particularly in the field of defense. He praised Marcos Jr.’s leadership for advancing the Philippines’ global standing, recognizing the country’s progress in political, economic, and military sectors.

In response, President Marcos Jr. expressed his well wishes for Prabowo’s leadership journey, hoping that he will successfully guide Indonesia towards greater prosperity.

“Our countries share a strong bond, and I believe this will only grow stronger under your leadership. I wish you the best in leading your nation,” said Marcos Jr.

Marcos Jr. also shared his sentiments on Instagram, expressing his joy at meeting Prabowo and his optimism for the future relationship between the Philippines and Indonesia.

“I am delighted to meet President-elect Prabowo Subianto as he embarks on his new journey. I wish him success in leading Indonesia to new heights. Our countries have always had close ties, and I believe they will grow even stronger in the years to come,” wrote Marcos Jr.

This meeting between the two leaders reinforces the deep friendship and strategic partnership that both nations have built over the years. (RR)

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